Technology Up-gradation and R&D

India has established a strong and diversified manufacturing base for the production of a wide variety of basic and capital goods to meet the requirements of various sectors including heavy electrical, power generation and transmission industries, process equipment, automobiles, ships, aircrafts, mining, chemicals, petroleum, etc. However, the share of the manufacturing sector in India's economy is still quite low. There is a considerable potential for growth which, in a globalised world economy, has to be based on improving productivity and competitiveness. Innovation and adoption of new technologies are the key factors in competitiveness. In the Indian context, opening of the economy and consequently the entry of international players has substantially enhanced the need for production of goods and services matching international standards. Indian Industry has undertaken a number of steps to meet the needs of the customers in a fast changing environment. CPSEs under the Ministry are also pursuing their plans to adopt and adapt new technologies through collaboration and in-house R&D efforts. Some of the initiatives in this regard are described below:

  1. National Automotive Board 
  2. Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) 
  3. Fluid Control Research Institute (FCRI), Palakkad, Kerala 
  4. Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bengaluru 
  5. R&D Initiatives by the CPSEs

Technology Innovation Portals

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