Advanced Ultra Supercritical (Adv. USC) Technology for Thermal Power Plants
BHEL, a CPSE under MHI, in association with, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) and National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC) has developed an indigenous Advance Ultra Super Critical (AUSC) technology. This technology will help the country to reduce its carbon footprint.
AUSC R&D project was approved by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs. The project was funded by Ministry of Heavy Industries, BHEL, IGCAR, Department of Science & Technology and NTPC. Against the total outlay of Rs. ~900 Cr. for this project, MHI contributed a major share of Rs. ~ 470 Cr.
AUSC technology based Thermal Power Plants will yield plant efficiency of 46% against ~38% efficiency of subcritical and ~41- 42% of supercritical sets besides reducing coal consumption / CO2 emissions by about 11% as compared to super-critical plants.
The Phase-I, i.e. the R&D Phase, for this technology has been completed successfully. In Phase-II, the world’s first 800 MW AUSC Technology Demonstration Plant (TDP) is planned under the aegis of the Ministry of Power (MoP) and NTPC.