Event No. | Date | Venue | Theme of the workshop | Resources (pdf) |
21 | 22-01-2020 | Mangalore | DHI- CII Awareness Workshop on Industry 4.0 | dhi_cci_mangalore_0.pdf |
22 | 24-01-2020 | Nashik | DHI – C4i4- CII National Awareness Seminar on Industry 4.0 | dhi_c4i4_0.pdf |
23 | 08-08-2020 | DHI Calendar for Industry 4.0 webinars for FY 2020-2021 | dhi_calendar_industry20_2021.pdf | |
24 | 24-01-2020 | DHI_c4i4_Nashik | dhi_c4i4_1.pdf | |
25 | 22-01-2020 | DHI_CCI_Mangalore | dhi_cci_mangalore_1.pdf | |
26 | 28-11-2019 | DHI_EEPC Jalandhar | dhi_eepcjalandr_0.pdf | |
27 | 09-08-2019 | dhicc | dhicci637038869781849163_0.pdf |